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About Us

The USA National Karate-do Federation (USA-NKF) members are among the ranks of thousands of Karate practitioners and enthusiasts who enjoy the highest caliber support system of Karate in the United States.

The USA-NKF has within its technical, administrative, referee, medical and athlete corpus an impressive group of competent, internationally certified, world class Karate personnel of the highest integrity. These men and women are dedicated to the promulgation of Karate-do, to the educational and financial support of its athletes, and to the dissemination of our experience and skill in the martial arts to the community at large. The USA-NKF has within its ranks some of the finest Karate athletes in the world. A USANKF athlete has garnered every World Championship Medal won by the United States in the 15 years we have been competing there. In addition our membership includes eight United State Olympic Committee Karate Athletes of the Year, five World Championships, Individual Bronze and Silver Medallists, and countless other internationally acclaimed junior and senior medalists. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the USANKF depends upon the talent and efforts of its volunteer corps who are mutually vested in the welfare and future of America's Karate participants. If you are not a member of the most influential Karate Organization in the United States, please take the time to first acquaint yourself with our organizational structure and then please join us as a member. We look forward to your involvement.

On April 14th, 1996, the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) Board of Directors, upon the recommendation submitted by the USOC Membership and Credentials Committee, voted to sanction the newly formed USA National Karate-do Federation (USANKF) as a member. This membership met with unanimous approval. As the National Governing Body for the sport of Karate in the United States, the USANKF responsibilities include:

  • The development and fielding of Junior and Adult Karate Athletes to international events and competitions representing the United States
  • Serving all membership classes represented on the Board of Directors
  • Representing the United States within the designated International Federation (IF) under the auspices of the International Olympic  Committee (I.O.C.).
  • National Championships

As the largest Karate Organization in the United States in "nature, quality, scope and strength" as determined by the Amateur Sports Act and the USOC, the USANKF remains a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization open to all martial arts practitioners. It is an organization dedicated to the growth and promotion of all types of Karate in our country.

  • The World Championships
  • The Pan American Games
  • The Pan American Championships
  • The World Cup
  • The World Games
  • The University Games
  • The Police Games
  • The Jr. Cadet International Championships
  • The Jr. World Championships
  • The Jr. Olympics
  • Goodwill Invitational Tournaments

The USA National Karate-do Federation has a rich history in international competition. We are very proud of the accomplishments of our Team USA athletes. We can be inspired from the work these individuals put in to bring success for themselves and our great nation. View the list of medal winners from the Pan American Karate Federation Championships*, the Pan American Games, World Games and the World Karate Federation World Championships, and coming in 2020 the Olympics.

*Unfortunately we only have PKF results from 2012 and later. We are working to get the results from 1981-2011.

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