Club Membership FAQs #
How much does a club membership cost?
A club membership costs $200 per year.
What do I get for a club membership?
- You will receive a 2’ X 3’ banner to proudly display in your club.
- You will receive a certificate of membership to proudly display in your club.
- Your club will be listed on our member clubs page of the website and mobile app
- You will have the ability to Sanction Events
- Your members will have their club considered in the charting of signature events to avoid as possible competing against a member of your own club in the 1st round
Who Needs SafeSport Training
- Any adult participant who has authority over minor athletes. This could include club owner, instructors, assistant instructors, leaders, support staff and board members.
- Any adult participant who has regular contact with minor athletes. Regular contact is defined as having 5 or more contacts with minor athletes within a year. This includes tournaments, class, seminars etc.
Adult participants must complete this training before regular contact with an amateur athlete who is a minor begins or within 45 days of either initial membership or upon beginning a new role subjecting the adult to this policy, whichever comes first.
Safesport training can be found on our membership platform Sport80.
I cannot log in to my membership account?
Generally, if you cannot log in to your membership account, it is because you have not enabled the cookies on your internet browser. You can change this in the browser preferences, or you can try using a different internet browser and typing in the link directly. If you are still unable to access your account, please send an email to
Can my students register for tournaments with my club number?
No, each student will need their own individual USANKF athlete membership to register for tournaments. They will be able to reference your club membership number so that they are representing your club during the competition.
When will my club membership expire?
All club memberships will expire December 31st of the year they were purchased.