Junior World Championships
Location: Konya, Turkey #
October 22 - October 30, 2022
USA Karate is proud to announce that we will once again be sending our Junior National Team to the Junior World Championships held in Konya, Turkey this October. The Junior National team consists of the best athletes, ages 14-20, who will represent the United States in this prestigious international event.
USA Karate will provide $15,000 in funding for the support of the Junior Athletes for this Championship. This funding will be used to offset the costs of registration, insurance, and travel costs for coaches, medical staff and team leads. The remaining costs will be distributed among the athletes in the administrative fee.
Team Leader #
Elizabeth Poloni
Travel Information #
Athlete Information #
Eligible Athletes #
The top finisher in each Jr. elite division (14-15, 16-17, 18-20) will be eligible to participate in Turkey. You notify us of your intent to participate by sending an email confirmation to usakarateteam@usankf.org after the 2022 National Championshiips.
Chaperones #
All athletes (aged 14-20) must travel with a Parent or Legal Guardian over the age of 25.
Survey & Administrative Fee #
Prior to leaving for Turkey, each athlete will need to complete the athlete travel survey and pay the Administrative and Hotel Fee. This fee includes a double room for the athlete and their Parent or Legal Guardian. Both the survey and the fee are required for participation. The survey will be emailed to you after the 2022 National Championships.
Please direct all questions to epoloni@usankf.org