Updated Regional Official's Program Update
Colorado Springs, Co. (April 9, 2024). USA Karate, the national governing body for the sport of karate in the United States, is pleased to announce that the updated regional official’s program information and the opportunity to apply for a regional instructor license are available. USA Karate provides local educational and certification outreach programs by designating authorized USA Karate referee and judge instructors to facilitate seminars, issue certifications, and upgrade certifications on behalf of USA Karate. Officials that meet the requirements in the criteria and certification document and are interested in assisting USA Karate with enhancing our Referee Corps are encouraged to apply.
The Instructor License Application form, the Regional Instructor Criteria and Certification document, and the Regional Referee Course Registration Procedure document are available on the Official Resources page. https://www.usankf.org/coaches-and-officials/officials-material#Regional_Official_s_Training_Program_cs8d
All active judges and referees interested in being regional instructors will need to review the criteria and certification requirements. If you are interested in participating as a regional instructor, please complete and return the instructor license application form to Diane Martin at dmartin@usankf.org. Please note that prior to sanctioning an event, regional instructors will need to have approval as instructors for 2024 and approval from the USA Karate Referee Committee for the event.